
Winter colony survival game
Winter colony survival game

winter colony survival game

A player cannot reveal his secret objective card to other players. Return the remaining secret objective cards to the game box without looking at them. Shuffle all of the set aside cards together and deal 1 to each player. Return the remainder of the betrayal secret objective cards in the game box. Shuffle the betrayal secret objective cards and add 1 of them (facedown) to the non-betrayal cards that were set aside. Return the rest of the non-betrayal cards to the game box. Shuffle the non-betrayal secret objective cards and set aside 2 (facedown) per player. Place the main objective card in its space on the colony board and set up the game board according to the main objective's setup instructions. Players may decide which standard main objective they would like to play or pick 1 randomly.

winter colony survival game

Each player collects a player reference sheet. Place the colony board in the center of the play area and place the 6 location cards around it as shown or as best accommodates your table.

winter colony survival game

20 Helpless Survivor, Food, Noise, Barricade Tokens.20 Gas Station, Library, Hospital Item Deck Cards.20 Police Station, Grocery Store, School Item Deck Cards.

Winter colony survival game